Pinterest and Dropshipping: The Perfect Ecommerce Machine

Close to 30% of all online businesses leverage dropshipping for their operations. So, before you start thinking this is an oversaturated market or there is not enough interest anymore, consider the fact that about a third of all online retail is run through a dropshipping entity.

Dropshipping is all about finding the best platform, automating the process, and marketing it through social media platforms and other channels to boost interest and conversions. One of the most underrated methods to do this is through the top-rated social media offering – Pinterest.

Why use Pinterest for Dropshipping?

Pinterest is an image-heavy social media network where users share “pins” on boards. These are repositories of shared interest like “women’s fall clothing,” “baby names,” or “DIY furniture projects.”

This massive online site is currently ranked #8 in social media networks and #27 globally. That makes Pinterest one of the most popular online destinations you can experience. More importantly, it’s a search engine.

People come from all over to look at evergreen content that can bring in leads for years to come due to the massive user base of over 465 million each month. With laser targeting niche markets, you do not want to sleep on the advantages you get from this social media giant.

Tips to Boost Your Dropshipping Pinterest Account

1 – Define Your Goals & Create a Business Account

Always begin by setting clear goals for your dropshipping business. You don’t want a goal of $1 million USD if you’re just getting started and have no prior experience. Get realistic but hopeful.

Think of building brand awareness for direct conversions and outline objects that ensure you have a long-term and short-term idea of what you wish to accomplish.

Once you’ve outlined your objectives, create a Pinterest account, and turn it into a Business Account instead of an individual one (standard). You’ll get more features and analytics this way.

2 – Create Category Boards Based on SEO

Pinterest boards are an exceptional opportunity for optimised content. Use SEO (search engine optimisation) to boost how far your pins will reach through boards that align with your target audience’s needs.

You want category boards around the terms of your products to enhance your online store. A great resource for this would be the built-in SEO tools a business account provides.

3 – Shoot for 20-50 Pins Per Board

One of the steps that often confuses drop shippers is how many pins to put on a single board. Shoot for a blend of your organic product pins, blog posts, and other related repined content. You want a total of 20-50 pins per board. That should help you build awareness by showing everyone that looks like you are active online.

4 – Mix in Organic and Relatable Pins

Diversify your pins. We’ve touched on this a little already, but you cannot keep repining the same dull image over and over again. You need to get a little creative.

Look at YouTube videos, explore TikTok, and search for similar terms on Pinterest to see what competitors are using that work so well. Your target audience wants to be entertained and engaged. You’re your time, and have fun with this process.

5 – Use Canva to Make Pins Attractive

If you’re still confused about how to build a fun pin, don’t worry. You don’t have to be a graphic designer with years of experience. Getting the right aesthetic appeal for Pinterest that drives traffic to your ecommerce dropshipping business works well with Canva.

This is a free tool where you can use templates, themes, colour schemes, and other pre-built enhancements to make your successful dropshipping business and pins pop.

6 – Schedule Your Pins on a Calendar

Consistency is the name of the game. You want to create a posting calendar where you can reuse pins on different boards without violating any terms of service. As long as you keep to a consistent schedule, you should experience organic growth and interest.

This can get quickly overwhelming, and you may want to consider hiring a freelance Pinterest manager to help, but also try out Tailwind. That app will automate much of this process.

7 – You Want to Post 3-8 Pins Per Day

We should be clear: there is no “one size fits all” strategy regarding Pinterest. However, a great base point is to pin 3-8 pins throughout every day. That is why automation and scheduling are your best friends. This level of frequency is considered the best practice and will give your dropshipping business an excellent opportunity to streamline as you adapt to a new business model.

8 – Make Your Pins Sharable on Your Ecommerce Website

While you’re building your Pinterest dropshipping presence, don’t forget to utilise your ecommerce website. Integrate Pins and sharable buttons on the product images and links throughout your landing pages. That will help your online store and Pinterest account merge into a single marketing machine.

9 – Join Group Boards

Engaging with larger communities on Pinterest is critical to your success. Group boards will help you expand your reach, get more interest in your pins, and teach you how to craft new pins that users want to see the most.

Running Pinterest Ads for Dropshipping

When it comes to Pinterest ads, there’s a learning curve. Ads provide a wealth of resources for you to leverage market reach and penetration. They are cost-effective, and you can quickly change them based on your budget, responses, and needs.

Some quick tips for helping you with these ads include:

  • Don’t keep flipping the ads on and off.
  • Wait for at least two weeks to see if your ads are performing correctly.
  • Don’t launch a new campaign every day. That’s a red flag to Pinterest.
  • Keep your total simultaneous campaign under 10.
  • Test and retest frequently to uncover new target markets and demographics.


When you tap into Pinterest for your dropshipping business needs, you unlock a whole other section of the online world eager to engage with your brand. Follow these tips and give yourself the freedom to learn as you grow. There are so many opportunities through this vibrant social media platform that can quickly take your dropshipping website and propel you into massive returns.

While you’re at it, don’t forget about automation. At OPMC, we provide a fantastic WooCommerce plugin for Dropshipping plugin that integrates smoothly with Alibaba. It cuts way down on the manual tweaks you need to do so you can focus on expanding your business and growing your only footprint. Download our plugin today!


How do I use Pinterest with Shopify?

After you create your Pinterest business account, you can go into your Shopify account and set up a sales channel. That will give you the ability to directly promote pins from inside your website.

How do you take pictures for dropshipping?

When it comes to your product images, don’t choose stock photos. Take some original images and use those to promote your business online. Dropshipping is all about carving out a niche, and you want to stand out a little visually as well.

Can I sell directly from Pinterest?

Yes, you can use “Buyable Pins” that allow customers to purchase from your brand. This takes a little more setup but can be a lucrative revenue stream that enhances your customer’s shopping experience.


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