Top 9 Mistakes Dropshippers Make in the Beginning

Dropshipping is a way to sell products without buying or stocking them. Instead, dropshippers create listings that link to products sold by third-party retailers, and then they pass the sale price and shipping costs on to their customers. This is a creative ecommerce model many people are embracing because of its relatively low entry costs and easy-to-manage digital structure. The only problem is building a successful dropshipping business is not as straightforward as you may think. It takes some dedication and creative thinking to problem-solve issues that may arise before you find success. With so many people starting up side hustles, it helps to know what common mistakes may occur in the beginning stages of your dropshipping business model so you can move, develop a solid following, and make money. Let’s review some of these mistakes dropshippers make, so you don’t fall into the same traps.

Mistake #1: Choosing the Wrong Niche

One of the common mistakes dropshippers make while establishing dropshipping business is choosing the wrong niche. Choosing the right niche is one of your most important decisions. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most difficult, as you need to find a profitable market that meets all of these criteria:


  • Profitable – You want to make money from this business. It won’t be worth pursuing further if it doesn’t have good profit margins or an opportunity for scalability.
  • Popular – There needs to be demand for your product or service for it to sell well enough, not only break even, but also turn a profit.
  • Not Too Competitive – Competition is good because it shows there’s interest in what you’re selling. However, too much competition means people won’t buy from anyone because they think they’ll get better prices elsewhere, so choose wisely.

Mistake #2: Not Researching Products

When you’re starting out, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of launching your dropshipping store and seeing sales come through. But before diving in headfirst, there are some important things to consider. 

You need to make sure that the products you’re selling are high quality and have good margins so that they can sell at a profit for both yourself and customers alike.

You need to take the time to understand the quality of your products, shipping options available, customizable features of your provider, and anything that can result in boosting or harming your ecommerce store’s reputation. Research is key to dropshipping success. Limited or improper research on dropshipping products is also among the top common mistakes dropshippers make while starting their online dropshipping career.  

Mistake #3: Poorly Designed Online Store

Another mistake dropshippers make while starting dropshipping store is not focusing on website design. A poor website design can make your dropshipping store look unprofessional and sloppy, which is the last thing you want to do when trying to build customer trust. A great logo is essential for creating an excellent first impression and building brand awareness, so be sure that yours is well-crafted and conveys what you want it to say about your business.

The goal is a clean user experience with an easy-to-follow pathway from landing to purchasing your products. Review your website as if you were landing on it for the first time and make sure everything is easy to navigate, regardless of device or screen size.

Mistake #4: Not Building Trust with Customers

Building trust with your customers is critical to success. It’s not enough to just make a good product and sell it at a fair price. You need to win over the hearts of your target audience, so they keep coming back for more.

To build that loyalty, you need to show that you care about them as people rather than just dollar bills coming in the door. This means providing excellent customer service and responding quickly when things go wrong. It also means being honest about any issues that arise during shipping or delivery, so customers know what’s going on with their orders–and how long they’ll have to wait until they receive them.

It doesn’t matter how great your product line is if no one buys from you because they don’t trust that their money won’t disappear into thin air.

Mistake #5: Not Providing Enough Customer Service

While starting dropshipping another common mistake dropshippers make that they focus on sales and have no or the lowest consideration for their customer support. Make sure that there are multiple ways for people to reach out with questions or issues. For example, include a phone number and email address on your website, as well as live chat functionality so that customers can get answers immediately while they’re browsing through products on your site.

We created a powerful Customer Support for WooCommerce plugin that allows you to leverage robust chat features. This improves your customer trust capital and helps convert potential leads into sales because they get the support they need any time of day or night.

Mistake #6: Not Having a Marketing Plan

As a dropshipper, you need a marketing plan to succeed. A good marketing plan should be based on research and data, not just your gut feeling or what other people tell you. You also want to ensure that your product’s target audience is interested in buying it.

Take the time to review your analytics and consider a plan involving actionable steps to promoting your brand, setting a budget, and crafting measurable goals for the future. Being a successful dropshipper means knowing what you want, how you will get there, and what feedback to pay attention to along the way.

Mistake #7: Not Pricing Products Correctly

Price is one of the most critical factors in a customer’s mind when they’re deciding which product to buy, so it’s crucial that you get it right. If your prices are too high or too low, then people won’t buy from you.

First, look at the market price. This is what others are offering online. Then consider your profit margin. You want to make a profit compared to the total costs of operating your business and acquiring and shipping your products. Finally, look at your goals. Will these prices provide you with the support to reach your end revenue?

Mistake #8: Not Managing Inventory Properly

Managing your inventory properly is one of the most important aspects of running a dropshipping business. Even if you do not have to maintain a physical inventory, you do need a robust supply chain model that ensures you are never out of stock when demand spikes. 

This will be an ever-evolving balancing act between supply and demand. It will fluctuate during the year based on holidays or other trends. The critical thing to remember is to track your inventory numbers so you can use previous data to predict future demand.

Mistake #9: Giving Up Too Soon

As you can see, there are many ways to make mistakes when starting your dropshipping business. However, the most important thing to remember is that you should always be persistent. If something doesn’t work out at first, don’t give up!

Keep trying, and eventually, it will pay off. The key here is patience. Even if things aren’t going as planned or if you aren’t seeing results right away, you still have a chance at success. You need to view running dropshipping as a business. You can be passionate about success, but don’t shut yourself off from the numbers and available data so you can make well-informed decisions about your store’s future.


Dropshipping is a great way to start your online business, but it’s important not to make these mistakes. If you are serious about starting a dropshipping business and want to avoid these pitfalls, we recommend picking up our Customer Support for WooCommerce plugin.

That way, you can ensure you completely avoid one of the fundamental mistakes, so many others make and focus on the more important needs of your dropshipping business. Who knows? You may be seeing massive profits in no time!

Start Your WooCommerce Dropshipping Journey today!

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