WooCommerce Help Scout

$99.00 / year

Start relevant conversations with your customers, using WooCommerce and Help Scout.

Help Scout WooCommerce Plugin

Start relevant conversations with your customers, using WooCommerce and Help Scout.

Using WooCommerce Help Scout, connect your WooCommerce-powered online store to a Help Scout mailbox, helping your customers to request assistance with orders and to receive their answers as quickly as possible.

By using Help Scout with your WooCommerce store, you can expect to see the following:

  • A significant increase in customer satisfaction – 73% of eCommerce customers prefer a chat option over traditional methods such as email, phones and social media.
  • Increased revenue – As customers gain more trust in your store due to it’s awesome support, they are significantly more likely to place an order.
  • Improved organisation of support queries and tickets – Thanks to Help Scout’s great performance and well-designed UI, managing customer queries is now easier than ever for store owners.
In addition to this plugin, you must subscribe to a Helpscout monthly plan. Please visit Helpscout.net.

Help Scout WooCommerce form

Add a help scout form to any part of your WooCommerce website:

Adding Help Scout to your website is now easier than ever, thanks to the plugin’s shortcode support. Add a Help Scout form to any part of your website using the shortcode [wc_help_scout_form]. These forms are easily customizable using CSS and other tools.

Quickly start a new conversation related to an order:

When viewing an order within WooCommerce, you may need to quickly contact the customer. Help Scout for WooCommerce adds an intuitive form to each order description within WooCommerce. This form allows you to contact the customer directly through Help Scout.

Customers can view conversations from “My Account” page.

Let your customers keep track of their support tickets in one easy place. WooCommerce Help Scout adds a new field to the My Account page which lets customers view and reply to conversations.

Start a conversation from WordPress blog comments

Start a conversation from a blog comment.

Sometimes, a customer may have an issue or query and may not know how to contact your helpdesk. This may result in the customer commenting about their issue on a related (or unrelated) blog post. With WooCommerce Help Scout, you can easily reply to these comments and turn them into a ticket within Help Scout.

Manage all of your customer queries via Help Scout

After setting up WooCommerce Help Scout, you can view all of your tickets, queries and customer feedback in one place. Help Scout’s great UI and effective tools allow you to easily manage, reply to and update conversations. The end result is a smooth customer service experience for the customer and the store owner.

Note: As of August 2020, you can configure only one mailbox ID for Help Scout, and once set, you should not change it to another. Else, it will give an error as the other account won’t recognise the customers associated with the first account. We are currently working on this and will update you soon about it.

A full Help Scout solution

In addition to this plugin, you must subscribe to a Helpscout monthly plan. Please visit Helpscout.net.

Getting Started with Helpscout – How to create a Help Scout account:

Help Scout has a singular purpose of helping you to manage relevant conversations with your customers. WooCommerce Help Scout integrates seamlessly with this ethos of Help Scout’s, helping you and your customers to easily start relevant conversations with one another and to ensure your customers are as happy as possible with each order they place through your online store.

At Woocommerce.opmc.com.au, we want to ensure that you are 100% happy with your purchase.

  • If you have technical or sales queries, do not hesitate get in touch with us
  • If after you attempted to resolve issues with Support staff and feel the product(s) you purchased does/do not the best fit your requirements, we want to make things right.

Our policy offers a full refund within 30 days of your date of purchase. We’d love to know what went wrong and how we can improve, so please include details about the reason for your refund request if you reach out to us directly.

Woocommerce.opmc.com.au and our payment process submit the refund immediately and make every attempt to process the refund as quickly as possible. Your financial institution can take up to 20 days for the refund to reflect in your bank account/card.

This extension helps your customers to easily start informative conversations and send them to your Help Scout, as well as for you to connect a customer in Help Scout with their information in your WooCommerce-powered store.



  1. Download the .zip file from your OPMC Store Account Page.
  2. Go toWordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New and Upload Plugin with the file you downloaded with Choose File.
  3. Install Now and Activate the extension.

More information at: Install and Activate Plugins/Extensions.

Setup and Configuration

To set up WooCommerce Help Scout:

  1. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Integration.
  2. Configure your settings:
  • Enter the API Key from your HelpScout account
  • Enter the Mailbox ID from your HelpScout account
  • Enter the Profile ID from your HelpScout account in Assigned To (optional)
  • Enter customer email addresses in Conversation CC and Conversation BCC (both optional)
  1. Testing
  • Enable Debug Log when troubleshooting. Otherwise, leave disabled.
  1. Save changes.

Find your API key

To generate your API key, you need to create an OAuth2 application:

  1. Log in to your Help Scout account and select Your Profile from the top right menu.
  2. Navigate to “My Apps” on the left-hand sidebar and click “Create My App”.

  1. Name the app something that is easy to remember. As for the redirection URL, this can be obtained from the plugin’s settings page within WordPress. Paste the URL into this field and click “Create”.
  2. After an app is created, you will be able to access the App ID and App Secret Key. Use “APP ID” as “App Key” and “App Secret” as App Secret inside your plugin settings.

Find your Mailbox ID

To locate your Mailbox ID:

  1. Go to: Mailbox > Mailbox Settings > Edit Mailbox.
  1. Look at the URL in your Web browser to find the Mailbox ID.
  2. For “Assigned To” option, Enter the user ID responsible for conversations. Find this in the “Your Profile” page URL, example: https://secure.helpscout.net/users/profile/USER-ID-HERE/.

An example:


Where 123456 is the mailbox ID.

Note: As of August 2020, you can configure only one mailbox ID for Help Scout, and once set, you cannot change it to another. Else, it will give an error as the other account won’t recognise the customers associated with the first account. We are currently working on this and will update you soon about it.

Find your Profile ID (optional)

To locate your Profile ID:

  1. Go to Your Profile in the top right menu.
  2. Look at the URL in your Web browser to find the Profile ID.

An example:


Where 123456 is the profile ID.

This step is optional. If you do not add an ID, the conversation will be created as Unassigned.

Allowing Access

After filling out all of the required fields in the Help Scout settings page, a green “Allow Access” button will appear. Upon clicking this button, you can authenticate the connection and allow Help Scout to work with WooCommerce.

Starting Help Scout conversations

WooCommerce Help Scout makes it easier for you and your customer to converse about a particular order or blog post comment, by providing a one-click solution to start a new conversation within Help Scout. The various implementations of this are described below.

Customer – Create a conversation for an order

When viewing their orders, your customer may have a query or issue they would like to address, pertaining to the specific order.

A new Get Help button is displayed when viewing the My Account or My Orders screens within your WooCommerce store.

Help is available, at the click of a button.

 Help is available, at the click of a button.

When this button is clicked, the customer is directed to the View Order screen for the order in question. This screen now contains a short form for receiving help via your helpdesk.

Easily create a new helpdesk ticket, by providing a subject line and description.

 Easily create a new Help Scout conversation, by providing a subject line and description.

Provide a Subject and Description and click Send. You’ve now sent a conversation to Help Scout, to help get your query attended to.

Store Owner – Start a conversation for an order

In some instances, when viewing an order within WooCommerce, the store owner may wish to quickly reach out to the customer (perhaps based on an irregularity in their order, or a special order note/request). They may also wish to track this discussion within their helpdesk.

A new meta box is now made available for each order, titled Report an Issue.

Quickly start a new conversation, relating to a specific order.

 Quickly start a new conversation, relating to a specific order.

To use this form, fill in the Subject and Description and click the Start Conversation button. A new ticket will be created in Help Scout, without reloading the screen. You will be notified of the conversation URL once the conversation has been created.

A link to the conversation is provided for you, once the conversation has been created.

 A link to the conversation is provided for you, once the conversation has been created.

Store Owner – Start conversation from a blog comment

Sometimes, a customer may have an issue or query and may not know how to contact your helpdesk. This may result in the customer commenting about their issue on a related (or unrelated) blog post.

Convert this discussion into a Help Scout conversation to help speed up the resolution time.

Visit the Comments section of your WordPress admin. Locate the comment and click the Create a Conversation button alongside it.

Note: The commenter must have provided an Email Address for this to work correctly. Without an email address, this feature will not work.
  Easily convert a blog post comment into a conversation. Delivering happiness on all fronts.

 Easily convert a blog post comment into a conversation. Delivering happiness on all fronts.

Connecting Help Scout

Help Scout provides a sidebar block, directly when viewing a conversation within Help Scout, to display WooCommerce data for the customer taking part in the conversation.

Part of setting this up is to enable the WooCommerce REST API.

For information on how to enable the REST API within WooCommerce, please see our documentation.


Conversation/Contact Form

Use the follow shortcode to create a conversation form for customers and guests:


Help Scout - Logged in customer

 Logged in customer

Guest users - non-logged in users

 Guest users – non-logged in users

  1. Download the .zip file
  2. Go toWordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New and Upload Plugin with the file you downloaded with Choose File.
  3. Install Now and Activate the extension.


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WooCommerce Help Scout
$99.00 / year