WooCommerce Customer Support Plugin Version 1.6 Update

WooCommerce Customer support plugin version 1.6 is here. Packed with lots of new features and updates to improve your WooCommerce customer support widget experience. From new widget features to bug fixes, both customers and merchants are in favour. 


Chat assignment

New options to add notes on the chat which are not visible to customers but the support team only, great for any internal notes, customer recognition, keeping tab of things, product motion etc


Product recommendation system

Our product recommendation feature allows product recommendations to customers via link as well as similar product suggestions in the same category. With thumbnails of the product itself, displayed prices and call to actions this is a great up-sell feature. 


Ticketing tab improvements 

Subtle changes to the ticketing tab were made so all is working as it should, as well as options to email updates in the widget and create a ticket from chat.


Bug fixes:

Product category links in live chat not displaying thumbnails of the product but only the link itself without any preview which has now been solved in this update.
Empty ticket link in email leading to a “No tickets” text has also been solved in this plugin update.


Please update your WooCommerce Customer support plugin to version 1.6, so you can experience the highest value plugin your business and employees deserve. Thank you for choosing OPMC. 


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